As you all know, we have our writers’ call out and we’re working towards putting together a great issue for you! Even though we are all passionate about language, writing may not be the most appealing thing for you (given the amount of writing we already have to do, this is completely understandable!). So we want you to have the opportunity to express yourself from an artistic perspective as well. The magazine would not be complete without some visuals anyway! In true KAT Blad fashion, we want the magazine to include work done by the readers; so in this case, you! We are looking for illustrations, photos, and any other visual elements we can include in this edition!
Let’s get a few practicalities out of the way…
Who can create art for KAT Blad?
Any UvA students are welcome to create for us, not just those in linguistics! All you need is a passion for language :)
When is the deadline?
We would like pieces by December 15th.
In what form should the art be?
Your art can be physical or digital! You can also submit a variety of art from drawings, to photos, to sculptures!
What should the art be about?
We want you to have artistic freedom when it comes to submissions! As with the writers’ call, we are looking for art that is about linguistics or languages in general. Our main prompt is: How can you represent language/linguistics via art or photography? This can be about a number of different topics within linguistics, about a particular language or language phenomenon, or about how you visualise language. We know this is quite abstract, but we just want to see how language inspires you!
Check out our previous edition to see what our artists did last year!
Some ideas include (but are certainly not limited to!)...
Representing abstract linguistic concepts (i.e. sounds)
The social aspects of speech: Interactions, people in conversation
Illustrating physical aspects of language: Sign languages, Parts of the ear/vocal tract
Things specific to Linguistics at UvA (i.e. PCH)
Language use in Amsterdam (linguistic landscapes!)
If you want to work on this project but don’t have a theme in mind, you can also choose to illustrate one of the many interesting articles included in the current issue! Please reach out and let us know if this is the case so we can pair you with an article.
For photos you can also do an article based around a photo series --> for an example see Encoding Signs From the Past: Šifrovanje Znakova iz Prošlosti by Sofia Lee in KAT Blad #115
I want to submit my artwork! What should I do?
We are very happy that you have decided to help us make this issue aesthetically pleasing! To share your ideas and submit the final piece, please get in touch with us via social media (Instagram or Facebook) or email us at katblad.uva@gmail.com. You don’t have to submit a finalised piece right now (although if that is the case, even better!) so get in touch to discuss your ideas and let us know you want to create for us. The deadline is December 15th, so make sure you start in time!
We hope you are inspired after reading this and can’t wait to get art-ing! Show us how you see language or help one of our writers’ work come to life. Hopefully, this blog makes the submission process clear, but if not, feel free to reach out at any point! We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
See you soon :)
The KAT Blad Team