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In addition to our magazine, KAT Blad also has a blog where we post updates, information for linguistics students, shorter articles, and lots of fun language and linguistics content. Stay tuned for regular posts!

Mar 13, 2023
Writer and Art Call Spring 2023
KAT Blad 116th edition has a new publication date! It will come out towards the end of May/early June. Thus, we have just enough time to...

Mar 12, 2023
KAT Blad #116 Updates!
Hey there! What a great year it's been for us so far! We’ve brought a few more people onto our editorial team and have a passionate team...

Nov 8, 2022
Want your art featured in the upcoming issue of KAT Blad?
As you all know, we have our writers’ call out and we’re working towards putting together a great issue for you! Even though we are all...

Nov 7, 2022
Become a writer for our Fall 2022 edition!
With a new year and a new semester, we can't wait to put the next edition of KAT Blad together for you! As you probably already know,...

Mar 6, 2022
Want your art featured in this issue of KAT Blad?
As you all know, we have our writers’ call out and we’re working towards putting together a great issue for you! Even though we are all...

Feb 7, 2022
Become a writer for our Spring 2022 edition!
With a new year and a new semester, we can't wait to put the next edition of KAT Blad together for you! As you probably already know,...

Feb 6, 2022
Welcome back to KAT Blad!
Welcome to a new era of KAT Blad ‒ a new board, a new look, and lots of new ideas! With linguistics being a subject close to all our...

Jan 2, 2019
The new and fresh KAT-blad
Fellow aspiring linguists, We are extremely pleased to inform you that in the freshness of 2019, KAT-blad magazine starts over with a...
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